
Expository Thoughts on John, Vol. 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

“I hold that the Gospel of St. John, rightly interpreted, is the best and simplest answer to those who profess to admire a vague and indistinct Christianity.” So says J. C. Ryle in the preface to his three volume masterwork on the book of John. Written in clear and concise language, Ryle expounds the Scriptures like nobody else. His interpretations are insightful, and his observations are...

a long catalogue of imperfections, ourselves nothing, and Christ all. We have, for another thing, in these verses, a mournful example of the blindness of unconverted men. That example is supplied by the state of the Jews who came to question John the Baptist. These Jews professed to be waiting for the appearance of Messiah. Like all the Pharisees they prided themselves on being children of Abraham, and possessors of the covenants. They rested in the law, and made their boast of God. They professed
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